Stránka:roll 1916.djvu/351

Verze z 6. 4. 2021, 19:38, kterou vytvořil Keny (diskuse | příspěvky)
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The Woodcraft League is organized on the idea that boys and girls who are interested in outdoor life and in active Uving will continue along these lines as they grow older. Many of the Coups are such as to be within the reach of Woodcraft Boys and Girls but the Degrees will in many cases be available only for the older members of the League. Woodcraft Exploits and Degree are standard. They include work for both sexes, though each sex will find it dearable to select the ones most fitted to it. In many cases, however, both boys and girls may select the same Exploit or Degree. In fact, we believe that a ahanng of many experiences would help greatly in solving tome of the problems which we are facing at the present *ime. n a Exploits are indicated by the wearing of the Coup or Grand Coup Badge each for a single exploit as listed. Achievement is indicated by the wearing of the DewwBad^e for general proficiency in any one ol the varknia Degrees m Woodcraft.


The Exploits are intended to distinguish those who are first class in any department, and those who are so good that thw may be considered in the record-making class. The French word "coup" has been used by the Woodcraft Movement for i6 years. No one can count both Coup and Grand Coup, or get a second similar badge in the same department except for heroism, motwitain climbing, and others that are ^)ecified as " rqiefttas, in which each badge is added to that previously worn. No badges are conferred unless the exploit has been properly witnessed or proven, and approved by a careful conmuttee. When it is a question of time under one minute, <Muy st^ watches are allowed. Badges, once fairly won, can never for subsequent failure to readi the standard. Except otherwise stiued, the eiplfliti we BMtpit lor «& ages.