Stránka:roll 1911.djvu/44

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Scoutcraft z3 or stave with the head of his patrol animal shown on both sides. Thus the Tigers of the Twenty-seventh .New York Troop should have the flag shown below. The Merit Badges* When a boy has become a first-class scout be may qual. lfy for the merit badges. The examination for these badges should be gi?vn by the C?u?t of Honor of the local coundL Ttds examination must not given any boy who is not qualifted as a first-dass scout..After the boy ltas passed the examination, the local council may the merit badge for him by presenting the facts to the Nat'?ml Council. These badges are intended to stimulate the boy's intoest -in the life about him and are gi?vn for general knowlzdge. wearing of these badges does not signify that a scout is qitalifie? to make his li?ing by the knowledge gained. in secuffng the award. Scouts winning any of the following badges are entitled place after their names the insignia of the badges won. Fo?' -instance, if he has successfully passed the signaling and manship tests, he signs his name in this manner --

  • .Reaalt o/wo? oI Committee on Badges, Awards and Equipment: Dr.

Chaltman, ? George W. Wingate. Dr. C. Ward Crampton, Cormoily, A. A. Jameson, Ernest Thompson Seton.