Stránka:roll 1904.djvu/30

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Pokračování textu ze strany 29

… of average error, for coup; 10 per cent., for grand coup.

47. To measure the height of a tree without climbing, or distance across a river, etc., without crossing, within 10 per cent, of error, for coup; 5 per cent., for grand coup.

48. In sign-talking, to know and use correctly 50 signs, for coup; 100 signs, for grand coup.

PoznámkaZajímavost: Chybí čin s číslem č.49

50. To make 20 different standard knots in a rope, for coup; 30, for grand coup.

51. To catch a 2-pound trout on a 5-oz. rod with fly, and without assistance, coup; a 3-pound trout, a grand coup.

52. To cast a fiy on 5-oz. 9 -foot rod, 50 feet for coup; 75 for grand coup.

53. To catch a 5-pound fish on a 5-oz. rod, grand coup.

54, 55, 56, 57. The best dancer, trailer, singer or artist out of 250, counts coup; the best in 500, a grand coup.

In these competitive coups the 250 or 500 warriors need not all be present, but they must be represented by their best men.

PoznámkaZajímavost: Chybí činy s číslem 58, 59 a 60.


61. Make a total score of 300 with 60 shots (in one or two meets) 4-foot target at 40 yards for coup; make 400 for grand coup.

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