Stanovy The Woodcraft League of America, Inc.

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Až do r. 1915 v USA žádná formální organizace, která by zastřešovala woodcrafterské kmeny, neexistovala. Většina chlapeckých kmenů od roku 1910 paralelně existovala v rámci BSA a první dívčí kmen Apawamis vznikl až roku 1914.

Klíčovým impulsem pro založení samostatné woodcrafterské organizace se zřejmě stalo odstavení Setona z funkce skautského náčelníka (Chief Scouts). Tento akt otevřeného nepřátelství amerických nacionalistů ve vedení BSA, kteří podmínili další Setonovo působení naturalizací, ukázal jak hluboce se duch této organizace liší od původní Setonovy představy.

Setonovi přátelé iniciovali slučovací sněm, na kterém zřejmě došlo k projednání Setonova návrhu stanov budoucí The Woodcraft League of America, Inc.. Původní Setonův návrh, včetně schválené a finální verze je součástí konvolutu archívních materiálů, dnes uložených v Kanadě (MG 29, D 108 Vol. 18 File No. 2: WLA. By-Laws and Constitutions.; National Archives of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada).[1] Uložené dokumenty nejsou nijak datované, ani číslované. Nebylo tedy možné, aby je archiváři seřadili chronologicky správně, bez toho, že by využili pro jejich identifikaci komparaci s jinými dobovými materiály a vepsané poznámky.

  • Nejstarší verze (pravděpodobně Setonův původní návrh) má na titulním listu poznámku Mr. Seton. Jde o 4 listy strojopisu. A 10 bodů, které obsahuje i finální verze z roku 1916, umístěná zde. To, že jde o původní návrh potvrzuje ručně vepsaná poznámka k bodu IV. Officers, která je u všech následujících verzí již součástí textu. (v celkovém pořadí konvolutu uvedena jako čtvrtá)
  • Verze, která šla ke schválení již žádné změny ani poznámky neobsahuje a je přepsaná úhledně na stroji. (v celkovém pořadí konvolutu uvedena jako druhá)
  • Finální verze, jejíž text je zde na stránce WLA – Constitution, 1916, je v celkovém pořadí konvolutu uvedena jako první. Má 5 stran strojopisu a kromě schváleného textu obsahuje i další informace, které byly evidentně schváleny na slučovacím sněmu v listopadu 1915.
  • Tyto stanovy platily až do počátku roku 1923, kdy National Council of Guidance navrhnul ke schválení nový návrh, který reflektoval některé změny. K jeho projednání mělo dojít na výročním setkání 26.5.2923, jak je uvedeno v záhlaví titulní stránky. V celkovém pořadí konvolutu je tato verze uvedena jako pátá. Za ní následuje identická verze, která obsahuje na straně 4 k bodu V. Officers, zcela identickou poznámku. Je zřejmé, že šlo o verze použité při projednávání změn. Tento návrh obsahuje některé zajímavé detaily ohledně funkčního období, které byly z finální verze vypuštěny. Proto ji zde rovněž uvádíme na stránce WLA – Constitution, 1923 (draft)
  • Schválená verze (v celkovém pořadí konvolutu uvedena jako šestá verze) byla nakonec mnohem kratší. Většina obsahu původního návrhu se zřejmě stala součástí vnitřního řádu a proto byla ze stanov vypuštěna. Text zabírá pouhé 3 strany strojopisu.
  • Finální verze WLA – Constitution, 1923 je v celkovém pořadí konvolutu uvedena jako druhá. Přestože má jen 2 strany, obsahově se od schválené verze liší jen ve dvou detailech. Z bodu V. Officers byl vypuštěn text “… two or more Vice Presidents, …” a na konci bodu VIII. Amendments to the Constitution byl nahrazen text ”… such Anual Meeting.” za ”… the meeting.”

Stanovy z roku 1923 podle všeho platily až do zániku The Woodcraft League of America, Inc.. Kdy a jak k němu došlo bohužel nevíme. Pravděpodobně roku 1936, jelikož od roku 1937 je v záhlaví korespondence uváděn Seton Institute. Nástupnickou organizací se stali Woodcraft Rangers (Park Grove ave. 2111, Los Angeles California 90007) s nimiž po válce korespondoval Ladislav Vodák - Letící Sokol skrze Harolda L. Boyntona (Secretary Treasurer). Presidentem byl tehdy Steve M. Jessup a Vice-Presidentkou Julia M. Seton (31.8.1947).

  1. O tom, jak tyto materiály dostaly sem více na stránce Obnova zahraničních styků LLM po roce 1989.




Membership and Dues

The League Membership shall consist of the following clases:–

(a) Active Members, who shall pay annual dues of five dollars:
(b) Sustaining members, who shall pay annual dues of Twenty-five dollars;
(c) Life members, who shall pay One Hundred Dollars at one time;
(d) Patrons, who shall pay Five Hundred dollars at one time;
(e) Founders, who shall pay one Thousand Dollars at one time;
(f) Head Guides of chartered Woodcraft tribes;
(g) Members of Chartered Tribes – each chartered Tribe shall have one vote to be cast by their Head Guide. Each member shall pay fifty cents (.50) a year dues. No Tribe to be chartered with less than six (6) members.

Life members, Patrons, Founders end Guides shall be exempt from the payment of annual dues, and shall be entitled to all the privileges of members of the League. All members as above enumerated shall have the right to vote at all annual meetings or meetings called to elect delegates to an Annual Assembly or Convention, in lieu of annual meetings. Tribes when organized, shall pay an annual charter fee of three dollars, which shall count as dues of the first six members.


The directors of the Woodcraft League shall consist of twenty members men and women, who shall constitute a National Council of Guidance and shall be divided into classes and elected for terms of five years as provided in article IV of the Constitution.

The National Council of Guidance.

1. The National Council of Guidance shall consist of the Director named for the first year in the certificate of Incorporation and their successors elected from year to year as provided in Article IV of the Constitution and shall have power to choose and appoint all officers and the members of the Advisory Council. A quorum of the2)National Council of Guidance at all meetings shall consist of Seven members thereof.

The National Council of Guidance shall act for the members of the League in carrying on the Woodcraft League work. It shall determine the policies to be carried out and take effective steps to see that they are carried out. It shall be responsible for providing end directing an effective headquarters and field staff and providing an adequate budget for so doing.

2. The National Council of Guidance shell hold regular meetings on the last Thursday of each month, except during the months of June, July, August and September, and such other meetings as may be neccesary. They may be called by the President, First Vice-President or any three members of the Council or held by consent or waiver of notice.

Any members of the National Council of Guidance absent from three consecutive regular meetings unless excused by the Council, shall cease to be a member of the Council.


1. The officers shall consist of a President, a Chief, who may be known as Keeper of the Symbols, a First and Second Vice-president, one at least of whom shall be a woman; a Treasurer, who may also be known as Keeper of the Wampum, a Secretary, who may also be known as Keeper of the Tally, who shall be chosen by the National Council of Guidance in accordance with the provisions of Article V of the Constitution. One person may hold one or more offices.

2. The president, or in his absence the Vice-President, shall preside at all annual and other business meetings of the League and Council of Guidance and at all Annual Assemblies or Conventions, if any, and shall with the Executive Secretary or one other accredited person sign all written contracts and obligations of the League and perform such other duties as the National Council of Guidance shall prescribes The President may delegate to the First Vice-President such of his duties and powers as he may elect.

3. The Chief shall preside at all public demonstrations, ceremonial3)affairs, Grand Councils and other similar affairs. He may delegate his powers as he may elect.

4. The Treasurer shall collect all dues, fees end other moneys, and under the direction of the National Council of Guidance disburse all moneys, and shall report at every annual meeting or Convention and oftener if required by such Council as to the financial condition of the League. His accounts shall be audited from time to time, by a public accountant appointed by the National Council of Guidance.

5. The Secretary shall keep all minutes of meetings of the League end of the National Council of Guidance, issue notices of all meetings, notify members of their election, issue charters to Tribes, conduct correspondence, and keep the books and records of the League.

6. The several officers shall not receive a salary or compensation from the League for services actually rendered unlese such amount shall be expressly fixed by vote of two-thirds of the members of the National Council of Guidance, but unless so fixed by such vote the said officers shall serve without compensation.


1. The Standing Committees shall be an Executive Committee, Finance Committee, Program Committee and Honors Comittee.

2. The President and Chief shall be regular or ex officio members of all standing or special committees.

3. The President may appoint from time to time such other committees as the Council of Guidance shall deem nesessary.

4. The Executive Committee shall consist of not more then five members of the National Council of Guidance, the Chairman of which shall be elected from its membership.

5. The President shall appoint on recommendation of the Chief, a Program Committee of which the Chief shall be chairman and which shall formulate, subject to the approval of the Council:

1. any changes in the policies and principles of the Woodcraft League of America, Inc., in so far as they4)
2. any revision of the standards of Woodcraft as set forth in the Manual – particularly the form of tribal organization, ranks, honors and the ceremonials, language and customs.

Annual Meeting

There shall be an Annual Meeting of the League as provided for in article VII of the Constitution.

Branches and Tribes

1. The local constituted bodies of the League shall be known as Local Councils, and may under the direction of the National Council of Guidance, be organized in any state, territory or dependency of the United States. Each Local Council shall represent its particular locality and bear the name of its city or state, together with any other descriptive name approved by the National Council of Guidance, provided, however, that such National Council may define or limit, in its disorption, the number of members which shall constitute such Local Council, and may establish more than one Local Council in any city or State, Territory or Dependency of the United States

2. Tribes shall be organized by the National Council of Guidance consisting of boys and girls, which tribes shall be known as Tribes Woodcraft Adult Tribes or Woodcrafters, and such other Tribes as may be formed and approved by the National Council. These Tribes shall be chartered, organized and governed by the Manual of Rules and Regulations of the Woodcraft League adopted by the National Council of Guidance. Each Tribe shall have a Head guide and shall be subdivided into Bands, which shall have a Guide, and the Head Guide of each Tribe shall upon his election, subject to approval by the National Council of Guidance, become a member of the League and entitled to vote.


The National Council of Guidance shall prepare, adopt and publish5)a Manual of the League containing full directions as to the formation, government and operations of the several tribes, and defining and describing the activities of the Tribes in furtherance of the objects of the League as set forth in Article II of the constitution subject, however, to the approval of the Chief, which Manual and its provisions shall have the same force and effect as though set forth at length in these By-Laws.


1. Whenever a vacancy shall occur in the National Council of Guidance by the death, resignation or otherwise, of any member thereof, the same shall be filled by appointment by an affirmative vote of two thirds of its members, and the suceessor so appointed shall held office until the next annual election of the members of the Council, and a certificate of such appointment shall be filed in the office of the Clerk of the County of New york within twenty days after such appointment.

2. In the event of the death, resignation or incapacity of any officers of the League, the National Council of Guidance shall appoint a successor.

3. In the event of the death, resignation or incapacity of any Head Guide, the Tribal committee shall elect a successor or successors, subject to confirmation by the Local Council and the National Council of Guidance.


These By-Laws may be amended by a four-fifths vote of the members of the National Council of Guidance present at any regular meating of the Council provided notice of any proposed amendment together with a copy thereof shall be mailed to the members of the Council, at least ten days before such meeting.