Stránka:roll girls 1916.djvu/9

Verze z 30. 7. 2018, 13:47, kterou vytvořil Keny (diskuse | příspěvky)
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Contents Grand Coup . . . . . . Target-Shooting Eyesíght . . . . Big-Game Hunting . . . . . Class II. Campercraft and Scouting Archery . . . Long Range, Clout, or Flight Sllooting. Fishing Bait-Casting . . . . . Class III. Nature Study-Vertebrates Nature Study-Lower Forms of Life Geology, etc. . . Photography Tma DEGREES IN Wooncxur . Camper Camp Cook . Camp Craftsman Camp Doctor Canoeman Fisherman Forester Frontier Scout . Gleeman or Camp Conjurer Herald or Crier . Horseman. Hunter Mountaineer . . . Pathfmder or Scout . Scout Runner Sharpshooter . Star Wiseman Swimmer . Traveler. . . . . . .. Village Scout or Big Village Scout. White Man's Woodcraft xrxrxrxrxrxrxroxooxoxoxoxoxoxoxcxoxoxcnmcn uxcncncn UlUILA-Ď-F mwnr-cv-Ioooooxrxroxmm-Iăwnł-Ioxoxoox Oxmm-lät-łçwmnxooo