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Pokračování textu ze strany 63

over 12 lbs., couý. To take, under the same conditions, a, sahnon over 25 lbs., grand conp. General Fishing. Boys, lads, and men. T0 take on a rod, without assistance in booking, playing, or landing, a trout, black bass, pike, muscallonge, grayling, salmon, blueñsh, weakñsh, striped bass, kingñsh, sheepshead, or other game fish, whose weight in pounds equals or exceeds that of the rod in ounces, coup. To take under the same conditions a game fish that is double in pounds the ounces of the rod, grand conp. Indoor Fly-casting. Boys: To cast a fly with a rod of 5 oz. or less, not over 10 feet long, 40 feet, wap; 55 feet grand conp. Lads: 65 feet, coup; 80 feet, grand wap. Men: 80 feet, coný; 95 feet, grand conp. "Every fish caught and kept, but not used, is a rotten spot in the anglerls record" (H. v. D.).


(Revised by Lou S. Darling, of New York. Author of “Tournament Casting and the Proper Equipment”)

t With ž-ocz. tdtlimmy frog, 5-ft rod, indoors, overhead casting, ournamen s y e: Child class, 40 feet for conp; 50 feet for grand conp. (Í H (C (l CG U M (Š (Š (l (f H ŠK CC lš (l (Í (Š (C M (6 M (Š Cl If out of doors add ro per cent. to each of the distances, if cast is made With the wind. If a wooden lu is used instead of the dummy fro , add p g_ g 30 per cent. to each distance.


Nature Study-Vertebrates

(Revised by Frank M. Chapman, of the American Museum of Natural History, New York City.) Know and name correctly 25 native wild quadrupeds, for coup; know and name correctly 50, and tell something about each, for grand coup. Know and draw unmistakable pictures of 25 tracks of our four-foot animals, for conp; of 50 for grand coup. Know and name correctly 100 of our native birds as seen

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