Stránka:roll girls 1916.djvu/60

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Pokračování textu ze strany 59

mile, and a mile, within 20 per cent. of average error, for coup; ro per cent. for grand conp. Height and Weight Guessing. T0 guess the height of 10 trees or other high things, and the weight of 10 stones or other things ranging from one ounce to 100 pounds, within 10 per cent. of average error, for conp; 5 per cent. for grand coup. Gauging F arness. To measure the height of ro trees without climbing, or 10 distances across a river, etc., without Crossing, within 10 per cent. of average error, for coup; 5 per cent. for grand conp. Tools: an axe and a pocket rule only. Star Gazing. Know and name 15 star groups, for coup; know 20 star groups and tell the names and something about at least one star in each, for grand caup. Latitude. Take the latitude from the stars at night with a cart wheel, or some home-made instrument, ro times from different points, within one degree of average error, for coup; one half degree for grand conp. Traveler. A conp for being able to take correct latitude, longitude, and local time. A grand coup for having passed the Royal Geographical Society's examination of “expert traveler." Red Cross. A grand conp for having passed the Red Cross examination of ñrst aid to the wounded. Life Saving. For passing the U. S. Vol. Life Saving Corps diploma test for life saving in the water, a coup. For the same and an actual rescue, grand conp. - Throwing Life Bnoy. For those under 18: To throw it 40 feet within 10 feet of the mark, is wap; the same but 45 feet within 5 feet of the mark is grand conp. In each case 3 out of 5. For those over 18: To throw it 55 feet within 10 feet of the mark is conp; 60 feet within 5 feet of the mark is grand coup. In each case 3 times out of 5. Boat-builder. Build a boat that will carry two men and that can be paddled, rowed, or sailed by them 6 miles an hour, coup; 7 miles an hour, grand conp. Bírch Canoe. To have made a birch canoe that has traveled, with at least one man aboard, 100 miles or more in safety, grand coup. In Signrtalking to know and use correctly 200 signs for caup; 400 signs, grand conp. Wigwag or M yer Signaling. To know this code and signal, as well as receive a message a quarter míle off, at the rate of ro words a minute, for conp.

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