Stránka:roll 1931.djvu/47

Verze z 23. 8. 2018, 23:41, kterou vytvořil Keny (diskuse | příspěvky) (→‎Nebylo zkontrolováno: Založena nová stránka s textem „Games 31 ring about 6 feet in diameter. Each boy reaches down and grasps his own ankles. Holding this position, they try to use their shoulders to thrus…“)
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Games 31 ring about 6 feet in diameter. Each boy reaches down and grasps his own ankles. Holding this position, they try to use their shoulders to thrust each other out of the circle. The player wins who first succeeds in overthrowing the other, or causing him to loose his grasp on his ankles. Buzz Though easy to learn when seen, it is hard to explain this game on paper. Three boys play it. Two are wings, one the sting. They stand in a row, each with his feet about a yard apart. The sting in the middle, the right foot of the left wing touches the left foot of the sting, the left foot of the right wing touches the right foot of the sting. The sting wears a small cap. The right wing protects his left cheek with his flat right hand on it, palm out, the left wing protects his right cheek with flat left hand on it, palm out. The sting keeps up a loud buzzing, and turns menacingly from one to the other. He takes the first good chance to slap one of the wings on the open hand that protects the cheek. The one slapped has the right instantly to knock off the sting’s cap. But he must act on the immediate come- back. The sting’s only escape is by ducking. If the cap is knocked off, the wing that does it counts 5. If the wing lifts a foot from the ground, the sting counts 1. If the wing hits the sting when not actually hit by the sting, the sting counts 1. If the wing hits the sting on any but the actual immediate comeback, the sting counts 1. If the wing touches the ground with a hand, the sting counts 1. If the sting lifts a foot or touches hand to the ground, the wing on that side counts I. 10 is game. Witches’ Broom Ride Two strong chairs are set face to face and far enough apart so that an ordinary house broom reaches from one to the other, the head resting on one, and about 4 inches of the stick on the other. Four handkerchiefs are now hung, one on each top corner of the chair backs. The Witch is armed with a stout wand, exactly 30 inches long. She sits on the broom handle, not on the head, with soles of both feet sup- ported on the stick. She balances by holding one end of her wand on the ground.