Stránka:roll 1930.djvu/67

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Pokračování textu ze strany 66

(Each hold must be broken at least 5 times in correct form, and against real opposition. )

8. Perform surface dive in at least 7 feet of water and bring up human subject from bottom in side stroke carry. Demonstrate unconscious or slightly resisting subject carry, also tired swimmer or cramp carry, swimming 25 yards, subject lying on back with arms straight and hands on car- rier’s shoulders and legs spread around carrier’s hips, carrier using breast stroke.

VV — Target Shooting

Revolver shot. Target 4 x 4 feet. Bull’s-eye 8 inches (counts 4 points). Inner ring 2 feet (3 points). Outer, the rest of the target (2 points). Distance 30 yards.

1. 96 shots divided in any number up to 6 days, one hand, standing, 250 points, for coup. 300 points for grand coup.

2. Half with left hand only, half with right only, 230 points for coup. 260 points for grand coup.

3. Using the National Rifle Association target at 50 feet, with a 22 rifle, pump or bolt actiori, in the following posi- tions, make a score of 280, for coup; 320 for grand coup: 10 shots standing 10 shots kneeling 10 shots sitting 10 shots prone

4. Medals of accomplishment, won in accordance with the National Rifle Association standards, or in military serv- ice such as National Guards, or in the U. S. Army or Navy, may be submitted to the National Honors Committee for recognition as coup or grand coup.

WW — Thong Plaiting

1. (a) Make, mount, and label for exhibition (1) a 3- strand 2-bight knot; (2) a 5-strand 2-bight knot; (3) a 9-strand 2-bight knot. (b) Make, mount, and label for exhibition (1) a 7-bight 5-strand single thong knot; (2) a 3-bight knot; (3) a 4-bight knot. Either for coup; both for grand coup.

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