Stránka:roll 1917.djvu/327

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Things to Know and Do 295 and furrowed like that of the Pignut, Its leaves are like those of the Shagbark, but it has 7 to 9 leaflets, instead of 5 to 7; it has a large terminal bud ^ to f of an inch long, and the leaves have a resinous smelL Its nut in the husk is nearly 2 inches long; the nut shell is 4-ridged toward the point, has a very thick shell, and small, sweet kernel Maine to Oklahoma and Florida. Pignut Sckoiy {Bicoria glabra) A tall forest tree; 100 and up to 120 feet high. Wood much as in the Mockeraut; bark smooth and furrowed; not locee plates. Leaves 8 to 12 inches long. Nut slightly or not at a angular, very thick shelled; the pear shape of fruit is a stror