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58 Woodcraft Manual for Girls OoM q( MenafBfit The plavers are seated in a circle. One begins thus, "As I went to the Menagerie. "Her neighbor to the right asks, "What did you see there?" She answers, "I saw a Hon. The neighbor then turns to her right-hand neighbor and says, "I went to the Menagerie." The same question is then asked, "What did vou see there?" The second player must then re- peat the answer of the first, " I saw a Hon," adding to it an ani- mal of her c .yn, "and a monkey." The game goes on m this wav, each plaver putting the same question and answer of her neighbor and adding the name of another aninial. 'Pack the Trunk" may be played in a similar manner. Any article suit- able or grotesque may be packed in the trunk. Menagerie Party Each plaver receives on a slip of paper a number and the name of an animal, e. g., i. elephant, 2. mouse. The leader <»lls on each player in turn to come forward aiul draw on a blackboard the animal named on her slip. One minute is given to exe- cute each drawing. The other players try to guess the am- mal on the board and write their guess, correctly numbered, on papers provided for the purpose. When the list has been com- pleted the leader reads the correct list aloud and the players rorrect their mistakes. If there are not many arti^ pceMOt, the results are i^t to be startling. 4 Poftoiil Party A modification of the kst game is for the players to sit in a circle and eju h draw a portrait of her left-hand neighbor. The leader ciaiecis the p*)rt raits. p«ts a number on each to idenUfy it, and places them on cxhibi^Mi. The piay«s try to guess the orif^ud of eadi portrait. Magic Mniic The player who is "it" leaves the room, while the others de- cide upon some action they want her to do, for instance-walk to the centre of the room and recite poetry. The player then re- turns and the game commences. The other players sing or hum or one plays the piano. When the player who is t nears her destiniition (in this case the centre of the w?™) the music grows louder aiidih«eant«tttl»li»lionthe right