Stránka:roll 1916.djvu/446

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433 rAGE Sluket. harmleu JJJ Snkkes, bow Ibey bite 3M Snakes, MoccmIb 3*0 Snakes, Pilot jio Snakes, poisonous, to distinguish jis SnsJiei. Rattlesoakes jao Snowbbd 31S Soft, WUte, or Silver Maple . . . a«t Solemnity Game 44 Solidaf Canadensis 158 Solomon's Seal iss Soliviion'i SmI, ai fand jilant . . . too Sotomoo'i SmI, Fab* iss SongSMnoi' ji6 5«af-««f degree, tests for ... . js7 Soogs (or doaing Council' ... 6, 27 Songs: "Alouette"' 63 "America" 6j daaint Lullaby 71 Hike Song 70 "Hither Thunder!" 74 "Muje Mukesin" 74 "O Beautiful for Spacious Skies" . 65 Ojibway Death Song .... 7a Omaha Tribal Prarer .... 69 Rouser, or " Reveille," .... 67 The Canoeist's Love Song ... 71 "The Star-Spangled Banner" 64 Songs, Acting: "2on-zi-mon-de" 73 Closing Lullaby, in Fireflies' Dance 94 Fireflies' Song 90 "LeFuret" 75 "My Man J[ohn" 76 Owls' Song in Fireflies' Dance . 99 " Roman and English Soldiers" 70 The Spider and the Fly ... . gs "Weasel in the Wood" . . 74 "When I Was a Young Girl" . . 78 Winter Song, in Firefly Dance . 34 Sour Gum. Black Gum, or Tupeto *94 Sou them Pine 167 Souvenir woont, woodcraft ■ . ■ *i3 Sparrow, Song 316 Spatkyema ftcHda ate Special Council, bow called . . . a8 SpadiiMBi, caUacting 147 "Spider and the Fly?' words and music os Spiked Wilbwherb, or Fire Weed . . tfo Spikenard Wild 155 S|^t of the Woodcraft Girl ... 4 Sporeprint, to mtiw » aoo Spotted Pipsbdwa ate Spring Beauty aS3 Spruce, White a6Q Standing broad jump, coup for . .331 Standing high jump, coup for . . . 330 Stanton, El&abcthCady.iaaiiiratkm of 3 Star gazing, coup for 339 Star-grass, Yellow a56 Star Wiaeman degree, tests for 403 Stif*" ™ti asa Stan aa qraa^t testa 300 Stan, number visible to naked eye agS Stan, movement of the aoS Stan, the twenty brightest . . agS Step on the Rattler Game .... 44 Stickweed, Cleavcn, or Beditraw i;5 StiU-Huntiag the Buck Game, or the DwrHunt so I ol iBMCta, tiMtmwt foe . . IS3 "■*... ij«  Stock Farmer degree, teats (or . . . 40s Stone signs •4«  Stories: Fairy Lamps, the lej First Gang, the ... . loS Giun-e O-kok-o-boo, the to6 How Men Found the GraatSp- im Origin ot the Bhiefaiid, thi . . tei Seven Swans, the .... 116 Story of Com-smut Girl, the . . X07 Storm Cloud Dance 84 Storm aignala lio Sirix tarta 303 Strong Hand Game 43 Stung, or Step on the Rattler, Came . 44 Stunts, handicraft t3l Sugar, Rock, or Hard Maple . . . ago Summer, or Wood Duck .... JOQ Sundial, how 10 make a .... aio Sunstroke, fint aid for ifs SwaUow, Bam 317 Swamp, or Pin Oak 184 Swam:>, Water, or White Eta . . . aSs Swan, Trumpeter 310 Swan, Whistling 310 Sweat Lodge makini;, coup for . . 341 Sweet Gum. or Liquidambar MS Swimmer degree, tests for 403 Swimming, coup f or . . . 334 Sycamore. Plane Tice, or Buttonwood MS Symbol of the League tt ^rmbola of LeagiM and Lodgti >i,M •SjnteMM iktUf1n4d$$ ..... 955 Tacamahac, or Bata el GOcmI . . •73 Tackle box, to make 131 Talk-Fest Game 44 Tally book, individual I7t Tally Keeper, appointment of . . . s Tally Keeper, elected or appointad 30 Tally Keeper, qualifications and dotiaa tt, M Tally Keeper, report of t Tally Robe, keapiac ai $» Tanager, Scarlet )i| Target snooting, coup for ... . 33I Tamdium dislklnm art TclHssakid degree, teats for ... 37a rcMia*tw-if ifoaiac dapat, tiata for . j|i Teacher degree, tattt for .... 404 Team work in camp i^a Ttcmna tadUant :te Teepee, Indian, for camping trip* . 180 Tent or teepee makine, coup iar . . Ma Tents for camping tie Tests for Pathfinder and Winyan . 3S "The Star-Spaugted Banner," words and music 64 Tilings to remember in sewing . . . tsi Three Yean' Service degree, taats for- 40s Throwiiig baseball, coup for . . . 33a Throwing lacrosse ball, coup for . . 33a Throwina Life Buoy, coup for . . . 331 Thrush, Wood 318 Thunder Handler degree, tests for 403 Thunder Roller degree, tcata for . . 406 TImy ttd drn k Ut t7i TWt AmDrictna a«3 Tinder for firemaklng aa3 T' .es and Officen ac Toadflaa, Yellow, or Butter and Egga 837 Toa#laal poisoning, treatmeat lor . aaa ... aaa