Stránka:roll 1916.djvu/167

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Things to Know nut Do X43 Don't fail to inspect your own home, or the place where you work, so as to know where all exits are. Don't throw away lighted matches, cigars, or cigarettes. Don't go into dark closets, bedrooms, or cellars, with lighted candles or matches. Don't use kerosene to light fires with, or use benzine ocoaphtha near open flames. Don't fill kerosene lamps when lighted. Don't use a poor quality of Kerosene Oil. Don't put ashes in wooden boxes or barrels. Keep ashes away fnun boards. Don't put hot ashes (m dumbwaiter, ox near wooden parti- tions. Don't have piles of rubbish m the house, oe cellars, or m workshops. Don't use candles on Christmas trees. Don't keep matches in anything but a closed metal box. Don't tie back the dumbwaiter shaft in the cellar. Don't store oils, pamts, grease, or fats in the house. Don't have greasy rags around, they catch fire by themselves. Don't have lace curtains near gas brackets. Don't use folding gas brackets. Don't use gasolene, naf^tha, or benzine in the house unless all windows aie open and there is no light near. Don't pour gasolene or naphtha down the drain. Don't use kitchen stoves close on taUes unless there is a metal sheet underneath the burners. Don't set gas stoves right up against the wall. They should have a metal sheet behind them. Don't look for gas leaks with a lighted match or candle. m CASK OF rax But sup e that in spite of your doing your share some one else has failed, and a fire has broken out in a house. The first thing is kee^ cool, act quickly, and send in an alarm. Haw. Fmd the nearest alarm box to your home. If it opens with a key, find out who keeps the key. The ordinary box has no key; you simply turn the handle to the right, open the door, and pull the hook down all the way and let go. Wait until the firemen arrive and direct them to the fire. If you don't know where the nearest alarm box is located, use the 'phone and ask Coitral fw Fire Headquarters, and tell the Fire Department openUx the enct address ct the building where fire is.