Stránka:roll 1911.djvu/374

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Patriotism and Citizenship 3?3 in the mind .and in the heart Of our fathers who framed the Constitution that each secoceding gameratio? should ?ise to the duties and responsibilities of .the State; that the x6_,tues of the State shotfid not descend or be lodged in 'one family, or any solected number.of ?mili'es, b?lt rather shouid be in the keeping of all the families, in the care and ,kee?hg of all the people. Thusdowere?nem?er?ur Washingto?ag?do?trItncoln. They served the generation to whioh they taetonged; they Lived a?l pa?sed ?ut of their gv.a?tion .h?viag '?e?wed tl? State: and all the virtues, cares, and re?a?bilities of the State ? the governmeat that is ?.they left 'to ;the generations that shotfid come.?[?er the?x Aad, the?, each g?e?ation ,as it oames aml goes must rise or ? in p?o? ?a it rai?s o? ,lowers the,citi?ea?ip standard, for,each geae?ation ,must prove its As.l?t forth ? a .?er fwm ?ond ?re .R?v?t, H?n? Vi?de?, ?y Scos? ? ?: e8 7 Fo? Av?ue, New York ? of ?m R?lt July ?oth, IgII. MY yeatit Sin: I quite agree with Judge Lindsey that the Boy Scout Move- merit/s of pectfi/ar importance to the whole country. It has already done much good, and it w/11 do far more, for it is in its essence a practical scheme through which to impart a proper standard of ethical conduct, proper standard? of fair play and consideration for others, and courage and decency, to boys who have never been reached and never will be reached by the ordinary type of preaching, lay or clerical. I have been par- tictfiarly interested in that extract of a letter from a scout mazt? in the Philippines, which runs as follows: "It a?gho t interest yon to know that at a recent fire in Manila which devastated acres of ground and rendered 3,ooo pedpte homeless, that two patrols of the Manila soouts reached the fire airart ?dth the 'fire companies, reported to the proEor au-_ thorlties ?nd worked ?r hours under very try??C