Stránka:roll 1911.djvu/161

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I4O Boy Scouts the least weasel, is only six inches long. It is found chiefly in Canada. Mink ( Putori?z v?son ) The mink is simply a water weasel. It is known by its size, larger than Chat of a common weasel, as it is twenty-four inches long of which the tail is seven inches; also by its deep brown color all over except the throat a?d chin which are pure white. Its fur is brown, harder and giossier than that of the marten, and worth about a quarter as much.. It does not turn white in the winter. One form or another of mink is found over all the unaxid parts of North America from the north limit of trees to the Gulf of Mexico. Skunk (Mephitis mepbitlca) The sktmk is known at once by its black coat with white stripes, its ? trashy tall tipped with wk//z, and its size, nearly that of a c?t. It weighs three to seven pounds. It ranges from Virginia to Hud- son Bay. In the Northwest is a larger kind weighing twice as much' and with black tip to tail. Various kinds range over the continent south of latitude Skunk 55 degrees. It is harmless and beaut/ful. The smell gun for which it is famous is a liquid musk; this is never used ex?'ept in the extreme of self-de/e?e. Badgee (T?x/dea tox?) The common badger is known by its genera] whitish-gray co.r, the black and white markings on the head, the black paws, and the strong claws for digging. It weighs from twelve to twen- ty-two pounds. That is, it is about the size of a 'coon. Badger