Stránka:craftsman xxx 3.djvu/9

Verze z 18. 11. 2016, 22:55, kterou vytvořil Tuwanakha (diskuse | příspěvky) (→‎Ověřeno)
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The Caribou Dance, which has been seen several times in New York this past winter: Mr. Seton, president of the League, is training the boys and beating time on an Indian drum.

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All in one test you must know the methods for panic prevention, what to do in case of fire, electric. ice or gas accident, how to help in the use of a runaway horse, a mad dog or a snake bite. what to do for earache, toothache, grit in the eye and many other difficult situations which fifty per cent, of the grown-up men and women are panic-stricken in the face of.

There are many more departments than just these spiritual and practical ones. For instance, you must learn how to organize tribes, you must learn how to become a ruler of a tribe, you must learn how to bring in and train new members. And then there are special departments for the better understanding of life, for enlarging of your opportunities for making goodm for becoming useful members of society. There is one called "The Hunter in Town", which demands that you shall do many things in the way of civic improvements. Then there is the Needle-Woman branch. and there are thirty-eight tests before you are acknowledged a prize needle—woman. I do not know a single girl or young woman who has had the usual ..text pokračuje