Stránka:roll girls 1916.djvu/55

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Water-Sports and Travel

(For swimming, rowing, etc., see classified athletics on a previous page.)

Bathing. A coup for having bathed out of doors in water of natural temperature anywhere north of N. Lat. 30, or south of S. Lat. 30, for 300 days in the year; a grand coup for 365 days.

Sailing. To have sailed any two-man Craft for 30 successive days, 12 hours a day at the wheel – the other man not a professional sailor – coup.

Sixty days of the same in salt water, grand coup.

Log-riding. Tread a sawlog 100 yards in any time, without going overboard, for coup; do it 100 yards and back in 30 minutes, for grand coup.

Canoeman. A coup is allowed to those who can paddle (single) a canoe on dead water, make their paddling coup (see p. 62), spill the canoe and get into her again, and bale her alone.

A grand coup, when they make their paddling coup, spill, right, and bale the canoe alone, three times in succession, and have run a rapid that falls 6 feet in 200 yards.

Canoe-camper. To have made a continuous canoe trip of 500 miles, Sleeping out every night, coup; 1,000 miles of the same, grand coup.

Saddle-camper. To have made a continuous saddle trip of 500 miles, Sleeping out every night, coup; 1,000 miles, grand coup.

Camper. A coup, for passing 30 successive nights out of doors, never once sleeping under shingles, but in tent, teepee, or bivouac, every night. A grand coup, for 60 nights of the same.

Lone-tramper. A coup, for traveling alone, on foot, 100 miles, carrying one’s outfit, sleeping out every night; a grand coup, for 200 miles.

Gang-tramper. A coup, for traveling 150 miles on foot with a party, carrying one’s own outfit. Sleeping out every night; a grand coup, for 250 miles.

Ski-man. To have traveled 6 miles in an hour, 40 miles in one day, covered 40 feet in a jump, and traveled 500 miles all told, counts a coup.

To have traveled 7 miles in an hour, 50 miles in one day, made a 50-foot jump, and traveled 1,000 miles all told, counts a grand coup.

Arctic Traveler. A coup, for entering the Arctic Circle by sea; a grand coup, by land.

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