Stránka:roll 1948.djvu/101

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Pokračování textu ze strany 100

Make 20 photos of flowers that can be identified from the pictures, for coup. 30 for grand coup. II

Make 10 pictures of obnoxious weeds that will serve to identify them, for coup. 20 for grand coup. II

Make 3 photos each of 5 field crops, showing seed bed in preparation, the growing crop, and the harvested product, for coup. 10 crops for grand coup. II

Make 2 photos each of 5 of the following varieties or breeds: horses, cattle, swine, sheep, goats, mules, rabbits, and chickns, for coup. 10 for grand coup. II

Make a camera with a “pinhole lens” and take acceptable pictures with it, for coup. If pictures are developed and printed by self, grand coup. II

Make 10 color slides of different wild flowers, for coup; 20 for grand coup. II

Make 5 color slides of different mushrooms, for coup; 10 for grand coup. II

Make 5 color slides of different native wild animals (200 pictures permitted), for coup; 10 for grand coup. II

Make 5 color slides of different birds (200 or sanctuary pictures permitted), for coup. 10 for grand coup. II

Make 5 pictures (black and white or color) of interesting geological formations, such as dikes, faults, anticlines, synclines, outcrops of rock strata, erosion by wind or water, etc., for coup; 10 for grand coup. II

Make 5 pictures (black and white or color) of fossils, for coup; 10 for grand coup. II

Make a series of 10 pictures of winter silhouettes of different trees, preferably isolated, showing the characteristic shape and system of branching of the tree, for coup; 15 for grand coup. II

Make a series of 10 pictures of trees in summer similar to the above (preferably the same trees), to show the summer characteristics, for coup. 15 for grand coup. II

Have a nature picture, either black and white or color, accepted for exhibition by a national or international photographic salon. One such acceptance for coup, two for grand coup. II

Note: — All the above photographic coups (except the last one) may be repeaters.

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