Stránka:roll 1930.djvu/53

Verze z 9. 4. 2021, 00:26, kterou vytvořil Keny (diskuse | příspěvky)
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Pokračování textu ze strany 52

2. Make a miniature tepee, at least 1 foot high, with correct poles, smoke flaps, lacing, decoration, etc., for coup. Make a model Indian Village, at least 2 feet square, with not less than 5 painted tepees, smoke house, long house, 2 bunk houses, 2 toilets, council ring, sweat lodge, diving board, totem pole, all embellished in Indian fashion, for grand coup.

3. (a) Make a miniature council ring, not less than 18 inches across, with 3 rows of ‘seats, council rock, tribal robe, tribal shields, and standards, sand painting, fire, etc. (b) Make a model sail boat, with one or more masts, correct spars, and orthodox sails and rigging. Either for coup; both for grand coup.

4. Make correct models of different specimens relating to any of the following cultures: Sumerian, Akkadian, Elamite, Kassite, Babylonian, Assyrian, Chaldean, Ancient Egyptian, East Indian, Chinese, Mayan,—2 for coup; 4 for grand coup.

5. Make correct models of the Ark, Temple, or other subject out of the Hebrew Scriptures,—2 for coup; 4 for grand coup.

6. Make correct models of Greek statuary or temples, etc.,—2 for coup; + for grand coup.

7. (a) Make a correct model of a stone-throwing cata~ ult. (b) ‘Ot a war chariot. Either for coup; both for grand coup.

8. Make correct models of subjects in Roman art or life, such as galleys with banks of oars, etc., 2 for coup; 4 for grand coup.

9. Make a correct model of a pagoda, and other subjects illustrating Eastern culture—2 for coup; 4 for grand coup.

10. Make 2 models illustrative of Mohammedan art or life, for coup; 4 for grand coup.

11. (a) Make a model of a Viking Long-ship. (b) Make a correct model of a ship of the type used by Columbus. Either for coup; both for grand coup.

12. (a) Make a model of a wind mill that works. (b) Make a model of a water mill that works. Either for coup; both for grand coup.

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