Stránka:roll 1917.djvu/390

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358 Woodcraft Manual for Boys know twenty star groups and tell the names and something about at least one star in each, for grand coup. LaMude. Take the latitude from the stars at night with a cart wheel, or some home-made instrument, ten times from different points, within one degree of average error, for coup; one half degree for grand coup. Traveler. Take correct latitude, longitude, and local time, coup. Having passed the Royal Geographical Society's exam- ination of "expert traveler," grand coup. Boai-builder. Build a boat that will carry two men and that can be paddled, rowed, or sailed by them five miles an hour, coup; six miles an hour, grand coup. Birch Canoe. Make a birch canoe that has traveled, with at least one man aboard, loo mUes or more in safety, grand coup. Sign Talking. Know and use correctly 2*00' si^s, coup; 400 sigaSf grand coup. {'^ !' ,"' Wig;u)ag or Myer Signaling. Know this cbde^'^Jyl'si^^ as well as receive a message a quarter mile off, S,^ ^^d.^ct of ten words a minute, coup; the same, at a mile,^twehty-four words a minute, grand coup. Morse Code. The same. Trailing. Know and clearly discriminate the tracks of twenty- five of our common wild quadrupeds, also trail one for a mile and secure it without aid of snow, coup; similarly discriminate fifty tracks, and follow three tracks a mile as before, but for three different animals, grand coup. Camper. Pass thirty successive nights out of doors, never once sleeping under shingles, but in tent, teepee, or bivouac, every night, coup; sixty nights of the same, grand coup. Cooking. Cook twdve digestible meals for at least three per- sons, using ordinary camp outfit, coup; or twenty-one meals and in addition make good bread each day, grand coup. Wilderness Cooking. Make and bake bread, fry fish or meat, and boil potatoes or fish without pots or pans. Coup or grand coup, according to merit. Cabin. Build a habitable log cabin not less than 6x8, with wind-tight walls and waterproof roof. Coup or grand coup, ac- cording to merit. TetU or Teepee. Make a two-man tent or an 8-foot teepee or better, single handed, and set them up; coup or grand coup^ ac- cording to merit. Latrine. Make and run for three days a perfect latrine in army fashion, coup or grand coup, according to merit. CUy-hunter. Find and sketch twenty-five blazes and totems