Stránka:roll 1917.djvu/387

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Coups and Degrees 355 Mountain Climbing (all Afoot) (Not open to those under 14.) By Sir Martin Conway, ex-president of the Alpine Club. The exploits in this class are repeaters. The first one to climb a standard peak gets two badges: one for climb, one iox first dimb. For those over 14 and under z8. Coup In Great Britain — ^Ben Macdhuie, Ben Nevis, Ben Lomond, Ben Cruachan, Snowdon, Scarfell. In Europe — ^Vesuvius, Breithom. In North America — Mt. Washington, N. H.; Electric Peak, Wyo. Grand Coup In Europe — Mt. Blanc, Monte Viso, Etna, Monte Rosa. In North America — Pike's Peak, Shasta, Adams. In Asia — ^Fujiyama; Tabor. Add to this all the list of next group. For all those over 18. Coup In Europe — Mt. Blanc, Monte Rosa, Monte Viso, Ecrins, Grand Paradis, Jimgfrau, Finsteraarhorn, Wetterhorn, Bernina, Ortler, Gross, Glockner, Matterhorn from Zermatt. In North America — St. Helen's, Adams, Shasta, Hood, Rainier, Mt. Shaughnessy, Mt. Stephen, Popocatapetl; Orizaba. Grand Coup In Europe — Meije, Aig. du Grepon, Aig. du G&int, Aig. du Dm, Matterhorn (by Italian or Stockje ridges), Dent Blanche, Mischabelhomer from Seas, Schreckhorn, Monte di Scerscen, Funffinger Sp., Kleine Zinne. In North America — Mt. Sir Donald, Mt. Logan, Mt. As- siniboine, Mt. Fairweather, Mt. St. Elias, Grand Teton, Mt. McKinley. Any peak in Alaska over 13 ,000 feet high. In South America — Chimborazo, Cotopaxi, Illunani, Acon- cagua.