Stránka:roll 1917.djvu/360

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328 Woodcraft Manual for Boys purplish chestnut, checkered with white spots, while its sides are bufE with black pencilings. This is one of the wildest and most beautiful of ducks. It nests in hol- low trees and b found in North America up to 1 about latitude 50 degrees. Wild Goose {Branta Canadensis). This fine bird is about three feet long. Its head and neck are black ; its cheek patch white; its body gray; its tail black witli white coverts above and below. It is found up to the Arctic regions, and breeds north of about latitude 45 degrees. It is easily tamed and reared in captivity. Swan. There are two kinds of Swan found in America: The Trum- peter (Olor buccinator), which b ahnost extinct, b very lai^e and has a black bill, and the Whis- ^ tling Swan {Olor Columbp- anus), which b smaller — about five feet long and seven feet across. Its plumage b pure white; its bill black, with a yeUow spot near the eye. It is foimd generally throughout North America but b rare now. Bittern {Botauras lengHginosus) This bird of marshes b about twenty-eight inches long and can stand nearly three feet high. Its general color is warm yellowish brown splashed with d^k brown. The black mark on the side of the neck b a. strong feature, and its bright green legs and beak are very dbtinctive. It b famous for its guttural call notes in the maxshes, and is found throughout North America up to about latitude 60 d^;rees in the interior. Wild Goose, Canada Goose, or Honkei