Stránka:roll 1916.djvu/58

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34 Woodcraft Manual for Gixls Winning a Name The bestowal of the ceremonial name is a serious matter and the highest honor within the gift of the Council ' ^ In the Woodcraft League the ceremonial name is siven onlv when a member measures up as the finest type of WoSSSt wiHn °' ceimonial names would ord narilv be won during a year. Any one applyinirfor a ceremonial or Uor name is thereby proven unwo Sy^Jnt The suggestion should come from those kround her aft« tte Itfe and conduct of the member shows that she has atUined to a certam high measure of power and self-restrSft, or achievement that manifests the excellence of the spWt^S The name is almost never given for a single exploit but raXr ^rtm^r ach'ieveSint inlimet- When the Council, ever watchful, has decided that such a one by her steady and sterUng gifts is entitled to a^aiJe^e best way is to find out privately if this person wisheTfor £ honor next what particular name or idea iTappropriatl a^d ceptable to all concerned. If desired, the CoJSal i^y g^frSi ^dquartersa suitable list of names from which to muS^LS