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302 Woodcraft Manual for Girls The White Amanita of a pure silvery, shiny white. ^ The Fly Amanita with cap pink, brown, yellow, or red in the centre, shaded mto yellow at the edge, and patched with frag- ments of pure white veil. The Frosty Amanita with yellow cap, pale cadmium m centre, elsewhere yellowish while, with white patches on warts. All are very variable in color, etc. But all agree in these things. They have gills, which are white, or yellow, a ring on the stalk, a cup at the base, whUe spores, and are deadly poison. In Case of Poisoning If by ill chance any one has eaten a poisonous Amanita, the effects do not begin to show till sixteen or eighteen hours afterward— that is, long after the poison has passed through the stomach and begun its deadly work on the nerve centres. Symptoms. Vomiting and purging, "the discharge from the bowels being watery with small flakes suspended, and sometimes containing blood," cramps in the extremities. The pulse is very slow and strong at first, but later weak and rapid, sometimes sweat and saliva pour out. Dizziness, famtness, and blindness, the skin clammy, cold, and bluish or hvid; tem- perature low with dreadful tetanic convulsions, and fanaUy stupor. (Mcllvaine and Macadam p. 627.) , Remedy "Take an emetic at once, and send for a physician with instructions to bring hypodermic syringe and atropine sulphate. The dose is . lo a grain, and doses should be continued heroically until V(r of a gram is admmistered, or until, in the physician's opinion, a proper quantity has been injected. Where the victim is critically ill the ^qoI^ gram may be administered." (Mcllvaine and Macadam XVn.) Wholesome Toadstools It is a remarkable fact that all the queer freaks, like clubs and corals, the cranks and tomfools, in droll shapes and satanic colors the funny poisonous looking Morels, Inkcaps, and Boieti are good wholesome food, but the deadly Amanitas are like ordinary Mushrooms, except that they have grown a Uttle thm, delicate, and anaemic. , . • ^ a ♦».-* All the Puffballs are good before they begin to puff, that is as long as their flesh is white and firm.