Stránka:roll 1911.djvu/229

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?,o8 Boy Scouts' The letters A to I also stand for the figures x to 9 (K stantlhg for O), ff you make the numerical sign to show that yon are going to send numbers followed by the alphabetical sign (J) when the figures axe finished. They will be checked by being repe?ted back .by the receiving station. Shonld figu? be wrongly repeated by the receiving station the sending station wifi s?nd the "annul" sign (whichis answered by the ?me sign) and then send the group of figures again.. . The sender must ahvays face the station to which he is sending. On a word failing to make sense, the writer down will

say, "no," when the reader will at once stop the sending station 

by. raising both arms horizontally to their full extent (letter R). This demand for repetition the sending station will acknowl- ledge by making J. The signaler receiving the message will then send the last word he has read correctly, upon which the sender will continue the message from that word. Whistle Signs i. One long blast means "Silence," "Alert," "Look out for my next signal." Also approaching & station. 5. Two short blasts means "All right." 3. A succession of lon?, slow blasts means "Go out," "Get faxther away," or "Advano?" "Extend," "Scatter." 4. A succession of short, sharp blasts means "Rally," "Close in," "Come together," "Fall in," "Danger," "Alarm." $. Three short blasts followed by one long one from scout master calls up the patrol leaders -- i.e., "Leaders, come here." Any whistle signal must be instantly obeyed at the double -- as fast as you can run -- no matter what other job you may be doing at the ?ime. Hand or Flag Sigmais Hand signals, which can also be made by patrol leaders with their patrol flags when necessary: Hand waved several times across the face from side to or flag waved horizontally, from side to side opposite the face, means "No," "Never mind," "As you were." Hand or flag held high, and waved as though pushing forward, at full extent of arm, or whistle a succession of slow blasts means "Extend," "Go farther out," "Scatter." Hand or flag held high, and waved rapidly from side to side, at full extent of arm, or a succession of sho?t, quii:k blasts on the whistle, means "Close in," "l?atl?'?.? here," "Danger, .... Cattle on track."