Stránka:book 1912.djvu/447

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flat leafage is distinctive. Wood pale, weak, soft, perish- able, A cubic foot weighs 24 lbs. N. Alberta to Newf. and south to Va. Balsam Bald Cypress {Taxodium distichum) A fine forest tree, up to 150 feet, with thin leaves some- what like those of Hemlock, half an inch to an inch long; cones rounded about an inch through. Sheds its leaves each fall so is "bald" in win- ter, noted for the knees or up- bent roots that it develops when growing in water. Tim- ber soft, weak, but durable and valuable; a cubic foot weighs 27 lbs. In low wet country of Mississippi Valley & S. E. coast. Arbor- ViT^ or White Cedar {Thuya occidentalis) Evergreen; 50 to 60 feet high. Wood soft, brittle, coarse-grained, extremely durable as posts; fragrant and