
Right, I've got that. Now before we run out of tape, I have two things that I thought might be interesting. One, I'd like you to tell me, as a young boy how Mr. Seton impressed you. You told me that the boys loved him and followed him. Now describe his person a little bit, and how it affected you.
Oh, not only the boys, but the fathers and mothers of we who were the boys, were tremendously affected by him. Because he was teaching the fundamentals in life. He was teaching us honesty. The one thing that you'd get thrown out for was if you were dishonest. He was teaching us to be a team, to play together. He was teaching us of manhood that was to come, and he was teaching us the worth of outdoor life. He was teaching us the worth of activity in life. Everything that you can think of that's good.
I never knew Mr. Seton to go to church - I don't think he was much of a churchman himself - to go to the Diamond Hill Church. The Diamond Hill Methodist Church was there, if he wanted to go, but I don't think he was a churchgoing man.
And Mrs. Seton, too. You can't give Mr. Seton all the glory. Mrs. Seton was a wonderful, wonderful woman. She used to come over to the camp fire. if a boy hurt himself a little bit, it was Mrs. Seton who would bind up his cut finger, or things of that kind. She was a tremendous woman and a tremendous help. I'm speaking of the first Mrs. Seton. Mr. Seton married again later in life. I'm thinking of the first Mrs. Seton. And Anya Seton…