Stránka:roll 1916.djvu/250

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3a6 Woodcraft Manual for Oirk Now get a ball of cord, that will stand a 25-II) pull, a ball of fine l^en thread, and a piece of shoemaker's wax, to complete your materials. If outdoors, you can stretch your cords bet '•' , t' o small trees about seven feel apart, but it is much easier I y< n make a rough frame of strips or poles seven feet by three in<iid« to work on. Cut four pieces of the cord, each about l iily .e.'i long. Double each and tie a 3-inch hard loop in the middle. Twist these doubled cords and put them on a frame (Cut Nm. i), fastened to nails as at A Bj the surplus cord wrap{Hfl around the frame, and the others as at C D E F G and H. Take one of the heaviest rods, say a half one, for a starter. With a pointed stick, open the two nds of the twisted cord, and set the rod tight against the knots I J K L. Now set a second rod in place b^w the iirst seeing that