Stránka:roll 1911.djvu/403

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Appendix ci.?vacter Working...?L Clay Trumbull ..... Sund?y School Times Character the Grandest Th?ug ............. Oxison Swett Marden..Cmwell Co. Cheerfulness as a Life Power ............... Orison $wett Marden..Crowell Co. Daniel Boone, Back- woodsman .......... Forbes Lindsay ........ Lippincott Duty ................. EilenE. Kenyon Warner. I:rmds, Noble & Co. Duty Knowing and Duty Doing ......... H. Clay Trumbull ..... Sunday School Times Economy ............ Orison $wett Marden.. Crowell Co. Every M?n a King .... Orison Swett Marden .. Crowell Co. Famous Scouts ........ Johnston .............. Fidelity ............... ElleriE. Kenyon Warner. Hinds Noble & Co. First Battles ........... Frederick A. Atklns ...Revell Co. Four American Pioneers. Perry and Beebe ...... Getting One's Bearings. Alexander McKenzie... Revell Co. Good Manners and Success. ............. Orison Swett Marden ..Crowell Co. He Can Who Thinks He Can ............ Otlson Swett Marden..Crowen Co. Heroes Every Child Should Know ........ H. W. MaNe .......... Houghton Mi?in Co. Heroes of Chivalry'. .... Louise Maitland ....... Heroes of Pioneering...Sanderson ............. Lipplncott Heroes of the Storm...O'Conncx .............. Houghton Hero Myths and Legends of the British Race...M.O. Erbutt ......... Crowell Co. ohn James Audubon..Audubon .............. Putnam oim Smith, Gentle- man and Adventurer. Lindsay ............... Lippincott Knight Errant ......... Davidson ............. Lippincott Knighthood in G e r m and Flower .......... Cox ................... Last of the Great Scouts. Wetmore .............. Lessons on Manners .... Julia M. Dewey ....... Hinds, Noble & Co. Levels of Living ....... Henry F. Cope ........ Revell Life of Kit Carson ...Ellis .................. Grosset & Dunlap Little Jarvis .......... Seawell ................ Loyalty ............... McClure .............. Revell Co. Making the Most of Ourselves ........... Calvin Dill Wilson ..... McClurg Co. Men of Iron ........... Pyte .................. Moral Musde ......... Frederick A. Arkins ... Revell Co. My Young Man ....... Louis Albert Banks .... Funk & Waghalls Cao. Ourselves and Others...H. Clay Trumbull ..... Sunday School Times Page, Esquire and Knight .............. Lsm?dng ............... Pesce, Power and Plenty. Otlson Swett Marden.. Crowell Co. Possibilities ............ McClure .............. Revell Co. Wo.d or ........... tL Clay Trumbull ..... Sunday Scho? Times Practical Paradoxes .... Orison Swett Marden..Crowell Co., Royal Manhood ........ Jamos I. Vance ... ?v?z?l?ell(l?l