Stránka:book 1912.djvu/293

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Campercraft or the Summer Camp 261 TENTS There are many styles of small tents on the market; al- most any of them answer very well. For those who wish to equip themselves with the latest and best, a 10 x 12-foot wall tent of lo-ounce double-filled army duck, stained or dyed yellow, brown, or dull green, is best. It will accommodate a party of five or six. For tramping trips, light tents of waterproof silk are made. One large enough for a man weighs only two or three pounds. Any of the established makers can supply what is needed if they know the size of the party and nature of the outing. TEEPEES The Indian teepee has the great advantage of ventilation and an open fire inside. It has the disadvantage of needing a lot of poles and of admitting some rain by the smoke-hoh. (It is fully described on page 444.) A new style of teepee, invented by myself some years ago, has been quite successful, since it combines the advan- tage of teepee and tent and needs only four poles besides the smoke-poles. It is, however, less picturesque than the old style. This gives the great advantage of an open fire inside, and good ventilation, while it is quite rainproof.