Stránka:roll 1916.djvu/365

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341 in town and tefl whwe you found them. In^te the distin- gutthing marks of policemen, park |)olicemen, traffic squad.stro^ arm squad, etc. Coui or pand coup according to merit. mates and Sipts. Make the four usual Indian Signs or Blazes on tree trunk, in twigs, grass, stones, give the smoke signals, and add twenty-five other signs or pictographs used by the Indians. Coup or grand amp, according to merit. Herald. Open and lead tin- Council, light the sacred fire, per- forming the Peace Pipe ceremony and the Naming ceremony. Know three Indian dances, songs, and the Omaha Invocatkm. Coup or graml coup, according to merit. Peace Messenger. Know loo signs of the Sign Language and transkte faito English from any other language sentences amounting to 300 words, coup; know 200 signs and translate from two lansuages, grand coup. Have plumed, made, and established a Council Rmg, amp or i?ra»J coM^ according to merit. Map. Make a < orrect map of a region one mile long, one- quarter mile wide, such as a mile of highway, taking in one- eighth of a mile on each side, marking every house, fence, hm, and prominent tree, etc. When there is a stream, indicate the size, speed, ^llons it runs per hour, and bridges. Coup or ffMi ftfui, according to merit. ,0 t j *u Sweat Lodge. Make and use properly a Sweat Lodge tluree times in one week, in two of the timet it may be given to another person for fo«p. 1. * Run a Sweat Lodge successfully for tme month, treatmg at least a dozen patients, grand coup. Bm and A rrmi's. Make a bow and six arrows that will carry 100 yards, roup; 1 50 yards, grand coup. Tomtom. Make and decorate a tomtom; cmp or p^m coup, ftccording to morit. Archery (Revised by Will H. Thompwn, of Se»ttk» Wash.) Make a total score of 300 with sixty shots (in or two omHs) four-foot target at forty yards (or three4oot target at thirty yards) , for coup; make 400 for grand coup. Shoot so fast and far as to have six arrows in the air at 000^ for coup; seven, for frafMf cmp. (Accotdiag to Catlin, the record is eight.) For children (under ten), to send an arrow ninety yards, eomp; 115 yards, ^and coup. For those ten to fourteen, to send an arrow 125 yaidi, coup; 150, pattd coup. For thwe fourteen to